Some links to projects I’ve worked on.

October 2021 Press Release

Betonindustrie Brievengat and CyBe Construction: The First 3D-Concrete Printed Buildings in Curacao

3D printing of concrete that allows the realization of houses, street furniture, artificial reef and many more designs. This technique is one of the biggest innovative methods in the industry that offers new solutions that traditional construction methods cannot achieve.


February 2020 Article

New generation of printed concrete: spray first, then moisturize

The robot can print mortar layers with a refinement of 2 mm without any problem. In that respect it is a completely different product than the plum pudding-like concrete products that come from 3D printers elsewhere. The trick lies in the fact that hydrating only happens after printing or extruding.


July 2019 Article

BMW and Patricia Urquiola: freedom of movement

Intriguing, unconventional. The scenography created by Patricia Urquiola for BMW Welt in Munich expands the theme of 'freedom' using Aectual’s 3D printing technology.

Epoxy Table 04 low quality.jpg

2017 Article, Dezeen

ETH Zurich students create robot-built pavilion with a skin of wooden shingles

The structure was designed and built by students and professors at the Gramazio Kohler Research lab at the Swiss University, as part of ongoing research into the use of robots for timber construction.